Monday 13 February 2012

My First E.R Shift

Yesterday... was my very first shift as an E.R (Emergency Room) Doctor in a public hospita.


My very first shift was full of drama. Between 2 pm to 8 pm, I got about 20s patients, most of them (3/4) are traumatic patient from motorcycle accident. One of them finally died. 

There was the one with his head torn due to chopping knife, he even got a open skull fracture so we can see his brain inside. There was also a patient with stab injury, right exactly on his heart. When he arrived, he already got his only one last breath.

There are many dramas. The family who is going to chase after the murder, the police who confirmed, but the saddest thing is seeing the child, wife, or parents of the died patients cry, uncontrollable. Yesterday, the daughter (about 3 years old) crying and keep shouting "Uba..Uba.." (Father) to his late father, minutes later, his parents, came to see his body and moaning so desperately.

I think we all would appreciate life if we were there.


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