Sunday 27 April 2014


As a medical school graduate, Hospital is a school to me. I learnt theoretically and practically about medical there. But when I did my years of study there, I found out that hospital is a lot more than just a school to be a doctor. There’s something greater I have learnt from hospital. To me, it is also a school of life and taught me to be more thankful in this life.

It was a weekend when I did my night shift on a public hospital, suddenly a 35-years old male came to the ER (Emergency Room) with a knife stab on his left chest. He came breathlessly to the ER with his friend. When I stabilize him, he talked to me breath-by-breath “please do save me, I have a family to feed”. 

After sent him to the OR (Operation Room) to being treated by surgeon, I was thinking how important life is. How I should be grateful to have a life while here at the hospital, thousands of people want to live. It made me thankful that God still let me breathing effortlessly. 

When I did a patient visits on the inpatient department, sometimes I saw patients with feeding disabilities due to malignancy. And it also makes me grateful simply because I could eat ice cream as much as I want while these patients could not. A poor man might not be able to buy ice creams, but the richest man in the world might not be able to eat ice creams too if he suffered the disease. 

Years of my medical studies made me think that we should never feel that life is unfair because of problems that we have. We should always be thankful simply because the most important things that we need to be happy are usually free. We are able to breath, speak, laugh, drink, eat, walk, communicate, and love effortlessly. And those are the most important things in life.


Several months ago, I finally met my best friends from senior high. We were like we usually we are. Both of them are the overactive hyper-energetic scumbag while I am the serious quiet guy as usual. When we talked together at that late night, one of them said “we’ve changed. You guys, forgot your principles”, then we laughed. But I was continued thinking
They say people’s change. And Yes, I do believe it. Day by day, year by year, we change through experiences we gain, relationships we make with others, and feelings we get. 
Did I change? That much until it was visible? Then I took some minutes thinking about it and came with a conclusion of ‘yes, I’ve changed’, so did people.
These past years, so many things happened to me, I’ve made so many relationships with people, overcame many problems, receive some happiness and accept some failures. I don’t know whether I becoming a better or worse person or just becoming the person who I truly am.
I feel so funny seeing these changes in me. Sometimes when I look at the mirror, I did not recognize the person. I am now getting myself as a stranger so I should run for him everyday just get to know him very well everyday.

Thursday 24 April 2014

"Karena sesungguhnya rahmat Allah SWT
lebih besar daripada kesalahan-kesalahan manusia"
                                                      Pada suatu khotbah Jumat

Hari Biasa

Apalah artinya hari yang biasa hadir sehari-hari. 
Pagi-pagi timbul matahari. 
Di siangnya timbul sengatan terik. 
Mulai sore hadir lukisan senja yang oranye. 
Hingga malamnya bulan yang kemayu hadir pelan-pelan.
Namun, di sela-selanya, 
ada kata-kata darimu di telepon genggamku. 
Dan jadilah ia bukan hari biasa.
Itu hari yang menyenangkan.

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...