Wednesday 27 June 2012

Jendela Bus, Kamar Mandi, dan Internship

Apa persamaan jendela bus, kamar mandi, dan intership?

Semuanya membuat kita, atau setidaknya gue, berpikir lebih lama dan lebih dalam tentang sesuatu. Coba kalau lagi di kamar mandi, pasti banyak pikiran-pikiran singgah ke benak kita, sama halnya kalau di jendela bus, sambil mandangin keluar jalan, pasti banyak pikiran-pikiran penting atau engga, yang menyelusup masuk ke dalam pikiran. Internship juga seperti itu, Bedanya, kamar mandi memberikan pikiran-pikiran tadi dalam hitungan menit, jendela bus mungkin menit hingga jam, dan intership berhari-hari.

Entahlah, sejak internship ini, saking banyaknya waktu luang yang kosong, bikin gue makin banyak pikiran. Dari yang paling serius sampe yang enggak penting, dari yang penting diingat hingga yang seharusnya dilupakan, mengenai khayalan-khayalan masa lalu sampe khayalan-khayalan masa depan, juga mengenai penyesalan masa lalu sampai rencana masa depan. Yah, semua pikiran ini sifatnya spontan. Tanpa diundang, mereka masuk aja.

Di kota kecil seperti ini, hiburan hampir engga ada, paling hanya tempat makan dan karaoke, sisanya ya kami menghabiskan kesibukan sendiri-sendiri, mulai dari membaca, menonton, atau lainnya. Waktu sendiri lebih banyak, yang buat gue suka kangen bahkan jatuh ke arah mellodrama karena kekangenan itu, Kangen sama orang tua, rumah, apalagi teman-teman deket gue, dan sama Jakarta juga, ugh, betapa kangennya sama kota sendiri.

Te echo de menos, mis amigos, mi familia y mi ciudad :')

Thursday 14 June 2012

Just my own #1 chart this week. I listen to this everyday on this week.

Faces that Reflect those Feelings

01.00 AM. I woke up after some random-in-one dreams in my sleep. Feeling hungry and trying hard to get up and make slices of bread with chocolate jam in it. I'm passing my parents bedroom and found the lights still turn on. I went inside and found them already fall asleep.

I'm seeing those faces. The face of my 65 years old dad and 60 years old mom. I stare straight at their faces, which made me feel weak, sad, and afraid.

Their faces, with the wrinkles lining on it. I looked deeply to their faces, and found such a mirror on it.
A mirror that reflects old, exhaustion, tired, boredom, sadness and maybe despair.
A mirror of face that reflects thousands of those sad feeling.
How time flies so fast.
Deep feeling. So deep until I even feels like some of my breaths are taken away by the lifetime keeper.
Such a melancholy mirror.

I went back to my room, seeing how long I had leave this room of mine until I came home just today.
Oh, melancholy mirror, will I found that feelings on my face either.
I saw my face on mirror on my room, wondering what I will see.

I'm seeing the reasons why my parents live.
I'm seeing their lost spirit of life.
and it's like I'm seeing the happiest thing that ever exist on their life.

I love you, Ayah & Bunda :')

Tuesday 12 June 2012

I know it's wrong, silly, and embarrassing, but I can't control this fear.
I guess its already reach the phobia level. Everytime I watch it or even simply overheard it, my heart suddenly beats so fast, so suddenly until it sometimes hurts. Then it gave me headache and shortness of breath after it. Oh, such a undesirable and pathologic feeling.

Grgrhrgrhgrhr, I should meet psychiatrist to help me get over this phobia :|
Allah SWT, please...

Monday 11 June 2012

The Friends that Started with F.

SNMPTN. Ah, five years ago. How old am I.

Back on Senior High, I wasn't a student academic excellence. I was only a little beyond average, underlined the little and average word. But when it comes to SMPB (or SNMPTN, they called it this day), I was totally enthusiast about it. I straightly choose Medical Faculty Unsri on my 1st choice. 

It was about one month to SMPB after the graduation, and sometimes I miss those one month. That one month is an important thing that brought me to the path that I'm walking on now. 

I took my spmb preparation on KSM Salemba, and I like it, especially the people and its atmosphere. So my daily life there started with classes that started form 8 to 12, mini try out everyday from 1 to 3, and this is what i like the most, self learning from 3 'till anytime we want to. When I home, I studied on dining table until 3 am, everyday. I really want to pass so bad.

Ah, how I miss that moment. I used to study with four of my friends, which now I'm become very close of. There are all started with F: Fatur, Fenty, and Ferra. We did studying from 3 to 8 pm, while chattering and laughing at something. They are all nice. Very nice. Really love them :)

Khalifaturrasyidin is now finishing his degree on ITB, Fenty on Chemistry UNJ, and Ferra already became an pharmacist on Erha clinic. I wish we could meet on someday, and having good time like we used to be. I wish you the very best of luck. Toast!

#1 La Peau: Kopi. Teh. Susu


Di kafe yang berarti kulit dalam bahasa prancis itu, yang dimiliki spesialis kulit ternama di selatan Jakarta, kami bertiga berkumpul seperti hari-hari yang sama setiap bulannya. La Peau, nama kafenya, yang lebih sering kami sebut "Lapak" karena tidak ada satu pun dari kami yang bisa berbahasa Prancis. Aku belajar bahasa Jerman saat SMA dulu, temanku satu lagi pernah pertukaran pemuda ke Belanda, dan yang satu lagi sedang les bahasa Rusia, walau baru tau cara membaca huruf-hurufnya. Tidak ada yang tau tentang bahasa Prancis, yang akhirnya membuat kami gemas bertanya-tanya, "itu gimana sih cara bacanya?", yang kami diskusikan sendiri jawabannya antara La-pe, La-pu, La-pa, La-peyauw, La-poh, dan lain-lain, tanpa niat bertanya kepada pelayan kafe. Seorang anak kecil berlarian dan mengeja nama kafe itu sampai kepalanya miring 90 derajat lalu berteriak "L-la-pak!", sambil berlarian lagi. Dan debat kusir kami bertiga selesai, kami lebih percaya pada anak kecil itu.

Setiap malam Sabtu, kami bertiga bertemu di kafe itu. Kami selalu memesan jumlah dan jenis minuman yang sama, hanya dengan menu yang berbeda-beda. Di meja depan sofa warna biru tua dibawah lampu yang temaram itu, selalu ada tiga jenis minuman: teh, kopi, dan susu. Entah itu green tea, thai tea, teh tarik, atau hanya es teh manis, Brema akan selalu memesan itu. Aku selalu dengan susu, kadang milkshake, ice milk, ice chocolate, atau es susu biasa. Lain lagi Radit, yang setia dengan kopi, kadang black espresso, cappuccino, latte, atau ice coffee biasa.


Baru menyeruput green tea-nya sekali, Brema langsung bercerita sambil menaikkan kedua alisnya. Dia memang punya energi yang selalu lebih diantara kami, berapapun letihnya dia. 
"Eh, tau nggak? Gue si-al bang-nget hari ini..."

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...