Friday 27 April 2012


Interesting girl is hard to found nowadays. In years like these, they tend to strive hard to looking cool instead of being herself to looking cool. I know these are too early too think about someones inner personality, but the fact that first impression does matter is true.

Seeing beautiful girl on a sexy outfit, holding a cigarette and drink a glass of beer is not sexy. 
Also a girl on their short skirt walking on a mall, or even a girl that is too busy with her make ups. 
They just now become usual, ordinary, and boring.

But, seeing a beautiful girl who dress politely, with her long black shiny hair, reading a book with her hands writing some notes, in a serious yet catchy way of gesture, and educated way of conversation is.......sexier.

p.s. This random writing is inspired by a lonesome beautiful architecture student I saw on library@senayan. She was totally beautiful and sexy, reading her book while drawing some sort of her architecture assignment. With her sharp eyes, black shiny hair, bright skin tone, and polite way of dress. Too sexy until his boyfriend showed up. Ffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu

Human Creation

I like watching movies. I think many of us do. There's something on human creation, whether it's a movie, books, short stories, or a single song. There is more than entertainment itself, but much more than that, human creations give us ideas, inspiration, and lessons of life. By watching movies, reading books, or understand lyric of a song, we experienced other human experience without through it, we get the point and lessons, but no need to become that person. We also can see others perspective and point of view trough those human creation. 

That is why, I think we should watch at least one movie each week and read a book at least one in a month. It refresh our minds, broaden our point of view, and have a better reasoning in facing problems. I take some little time to write quotes, meaningful word, or interesting things about the movies or books I just have read on one book, and I'm glad to open it when I want to.

Happy watching, reading, and listening!

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Every single person who lives in this world experienced falling in love. Or simpler than that, having a crush. But not everyone brave enough to admit it.

And most of the time, I belong to the latter one.

Belum capek sama cinta, Dam?

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...