Sunday 10 July 2016

An Important Sentimental Thought.

One day on a bench of Senayan park when my friend and I were doing some evening sport, we were talking about how we loved our parents so much. I knew that it was actually an ordinary subject to discuss but at that moment, we really feel that at our adulthood age, our love towards our parents grew deeper until it rooted in our daily life.

We both agreed that nowadays, every time we would like to do something bad, we re-concern whether it would break our parents heart. On the other hand, we also inspired to do more productive things simply not to make our lives better but also to make their lives better too.

Our parents are already old now. They are no more productive and they believe their dreams mostly on their children. My mother gave up most of her life struggling for my education and living. I could say that I am her only chance to make her proud since I am an only child. I am nothing without her, literally. Her prayers are my lucky charms.

That evening, my friend and I had a very sentimental chat and we came with a conclusion:

Bagas: "So, Dam, aren't we agree about what is faster than the speed of sound or light?"
Damar: "Absolutely. The only thing that faster than the speed of sound or light is a mother's prayer towards her child"
Bagas: "I-n-d-e-e-d, bro"

Today is my mother's birthday

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Eid 2016

Sometimes I knew I was such an asshole and so ignorant. Sometimes I did not reply text messages. I am a bad person. How am I so ungrateful to have you guys.

On this Eid, I would like to present my deepest apology to those important good people that have been so kind to me so far. I am thanking God that you guys are still be there for me always, no matter how sucks I am. I need you guys, always and forever.

Happy Eid Greetings. 
May life brings us more good things ahead. 
I love you all

Sunday 3 July 2016

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...