Monday 27 February 2012

My mom is hospitalized since 5 days ago. The doctor said it was due to problems on her bowel. I'm kinda sad that I can't be there when she need me the most. She said that she'll be fine and no need to concerns about her, she always try to make me not feeling sad, but I knew she need me.

But, I  Thank God that although I can't be there, my best friends are there to take care  of my mom. I even never asked them to do so, but they do. It was heart touching for me. Really :')
and I thank God for people like them in my life. Big thanks, Faiz and Elys.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Happy Birthday, Nabila

Dear, Nabila Nahdy.

I miss the moment when I sat behind you when we were 10th grade classmate

Also when we shared our laughers and tears.
I miss the moment when we used to take picture by your vibrator-phone that you put in your chest pocket.
I miss the moment when we usually hangout each week. To the movies, karaoke, lunch or dinner, or even a single brunch.
I miss the time when I called you Nabila, Bila, Onta, Nabola, Nabo’ol, Arab etc.
I miss the moment, when we usually celebrate our birthday together.

I miss you, especially today. I know you miss me too.
Happy Birthday, Bil :*
Hugs, Kisses, and many many many miss you :’)

Your best partner
Damar Prasetya

Saturday 18 February 2012


Beberapa malam yang lalu, gw berbincang-bincang via bbm dengan salah satu temen gw. Awalnya sih berbicara mengenai dia yang baru putus, tapi ujung-ujungnya ngomongin hal-hal lain termasuk pekerjaan.

Kadang, gw iri sama temen gw yang satu itu akan pekerjaannya. Dia, melalui pendidikannya yang hanya kurang lebih enam bulan, bisa memiliki gaji hingga minimal 15 juta per bulannya. Ditambah akses untuk bepergian ke berbagai tempat. 

Sedangkan gw, setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan selama lima tahun, saat ini masih menjalani ikatan kerja di kota terpecil gini, dengan gaji, yah ngga usah ditanya lah ya.

Namun, ternyata sebagai manusia, dari dulu memang terkadang beginilah sifat kita adanya.
Saat panas menginginkan hujan. Saat hujan menginginkan panas.
Saat kerja menginginkan libur. Saat libur menginginkan kerja.
Dan konsep-konsep serupa yang lain. Termasuk saat kita melihat orang lain yang tampaknya lebih menyenangkan daripada yang kita jalani. 

Malam itu, ya terucap juga dari temen gw itu. Dia bilang iri dengan gw. Dia ingin jadi dokter. Sama seperti gw yang terkadang ingin punya pekerjaan seperti dia. Hahaha, kita sama-sama melihat bahwa pekerjaan satu sama lain menyenangkan. Gw sekarang pengen kerja seperti dia dan dia pengen kerja seperti gw.

Kadang gw galau kepikiran banget untuk kerja seperti dia. Tapi setelah dia mengakui iri juga akan pekerjaan gw, ya jadi agak lega aja bahwa itu semua hanya bunga-bunga pikiran aja.

Yah, walau gw sama dia sama-sama saling iri, 
Kita tau bahwa yang kita jalani sekarang adalah yang terbaik.
And we won't replace it each other.

Karena gw sama dia sama-sama saling iri.
Jadi skor kita sama, satu-satu ;)

The Starbucks Paradox

Friday 17 February 2012



Sekedar Cerita

Hai, gw baru bangun tidur dan bermimpi temen-temen gw disana. Aaaarghhh, kangen. Kesepian disini deh. Sekarang abis kerja, paling sering gw mampir untuk minum es teh susu sama beli chitato, terus ngecek tukang dvd yang kok nggak buka-buka, atau paling ke KFC, makan ini itu, terus pulang ke kost. Di kosan, paling sering sih tidur, atau nggak surfing, download video-video lagu, mungkin udah seratus sejak gw sampe sini, atau palingan baca buku cerita atau artikel kedokteran yang perlu diulang bacanya. 

Ohya, Lubuk Linggau itu kota termaju kedua di Sumsel setelah Palembang. Menurut gw, ibaratnya, Lubuk Linggau ini ibarat Bogor di Jawa Barat, bedanya di Bogor ada mall dan banyak makanan enak, selain itu orangnya ramah-ramah hahaha. Linggau ini jaraknya sekitar enam jam via darat dari Palembang dan empat jam ke Bengkulu.

Engga ada tempat hangout aja sih, yang bikin bete haha. Tapi seneng juga tiap hari ngeliat kota ini punya wallpaper bukit sulap. Kadang kalau pagi atau sore hari, bukitnya diselimuti kabut, terus brrrrr kotanya dingin. Di depan rumah sakit, tiap pagi keliatan pasar utama sama bukitnya dari kejauhan. 

Ah, entahlah, baru dua minggu disini tapi lama bener jalannya. Semoga disini nanti menyenangkan deh. \m/
Amin :)

Monday 13 February 2012

My First E.R Shift

Yesterday... was my very first shift as an E.R (Emergency Room) Doctor in a public hospita.


My very first shift was full of drama. Between 2 pm to 8 pm, I got about 20s patients, most of them (3/4) are traumatic patient from motorcycle accident. One of them finally died. 

There was the one with his head torn due to chopping knife, he even got a open skull fracture so we can see his brain inside. There was also a patient with stab injury, right exactly on his heart. When he arrived, he already got his only one last breath.

There are many dramas. The family who is going to chase after the murder, the police who confirmed, but the saddest thing is seeing the child, wife, or parents of the died patients cry, uncontrollable. Yesterday, the daughter (about 3 years old) crying and keep shouting "Uba..Uba.." (Father) to his late father, minutes later, his parents, came to see his body and moaning so desperately.

I think we all would appreciate life if we were there.


Saturday 4 February 2012

Hello, Internship

Hello, February 2012. Its been a long time not to write in this blog. Hmm, I'm just gonna tell you about my life. I was worked as a general practitioner in several private clinics in Jakarta for about three months and finally resign from it several weeks ago due to my Internship.

Let me tell you about Internship. Just like University of Indonesia, Padjajaran, Gajah Mada, and some other, University of Sriwijaya have this pathway of study: First, you take 3,5 years to complete the undergraduate program (Sarjana Kedokteran), then 1,5 year working in hospital as a clinical clerkship, after completed these two phase, you are Medical Doctor already (Dr.), so this is one step faster than the old program which took 6 years of education. But, as a consequence, we, who graduate doctor for 5 years, must undergo a program called Internship.

The Internship take 1 year to complete. We will be working in county-level public hospital (Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten) consist of 4 months working as Emergency Department Doctor, 4 months as a doctor in outpatients and inpatients department, and 4 months as a public health doctor.

I thank God for the internship than spending another one bloody year as a co-ass. well at least I didn't pay any school fee again, I even got a salary for every month I work in.

We divided into some groups consist of 5 people. Me and some random friends are going to do my internship in RSUD Sobirin Musi Rawas, located in Lubuk Linggau, about 6-7 hours by car or 8 hours from Palembang by train. It is the second largest city in South Sumatera province. Well, I believe I'm gonna have some adventures, lessons of life, and make many good friends and relationship there.

Two days more to go to my very first day of Internship. Dear, colleagues, I wish you the very best luck of all. And see you soon, dear, Home :) 

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...