Saturday 19 September 2009


Last night, a bestfriend of mine, Deedee called me while i was on praying, then she text message me that Encu, one of my bestfriend also, just lost his father. I was shocked. I did not call Deedee back or even replied her message until now. It's not that i don't want to or not care about it, but i am speechless and dont know even a word to say.

Encu is a senior high school friend of mine, we were together in the student body organization. She did not took college but she decided to took a training on one of famous spa majesty in Indonesia. She worked several times in some Indonesian spa, but in the past two years she has been worked in Malaysia.

Then she had to face the fact that her mother is sick. No simple disease, but a kidney failure. As we know that kidney failure does need haemodialysis which is not cheap. I believe that the major reason she work in Malaysia is to help and support her mother medical fee instead thinking for her own sake.

God took her mother not so long from the time she got the kidney failure, and last night God also took the soul of her father.

Inalillahi wa inalillahi rojiun.
Allah creates every single thing, and it would be back to Allah after all.

This post is not a pity writing to her, but a prayer and compliment about a girl that deserved to called as a superwoman for her strength, patient, and also courage.

Dear Encu, I prayed for your mother, father, your brother, and for you. May God always be with

We love you, we really do.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Kota Termahal di Dunia

Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk hidup atau cost of living di setiap kota dan negara sangatlah beragam. Dimulai dari perbedaan ongkos makan, biaya sekolah, biaya transportasi, fasilitas-fasilitas, dan tentunya biaya tempat tinggal. Tak perlu membandingkan kota antar negara lain dulu, bahkan di negara kita terdapat perbedaan biaya hidup antara Jakarta dan Yogyakarta, naah apalagi perbandingan biaya hidup antara kota di berbagai pelosok dunia.

Mercer Human Resource Consulting dan Economist Intelligence Unit telah menetapkan peringkat kota-kota termahal di dunia. Hmm, kira-kira ibukota negara kita ada di peringkat berapa ya?

So, Here are the result in order of rank:

1. TOKYO, Japan.

2. OSAKA, Japan.

3. Moscow, Russia.

4. Geneva, Switzerland.

5. Hong Kong, People's Republic of China.

6. Zurich, Switzerland.

7. Copenhagen, Denmark.

8. New York City, USA.

9. Beijing, People's Republic of China.

10. Singapore.

Itulah sepuluh kota paling mahal yang ada di dunia. Sedangkan ibukota negara kita, Jakarta, ternyata adalah kota paling mahal ke-106 di dunia. Sedangkan ibukota negara tetangga kita, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, berada terpaut sepuluh posisi dari posisi Jakarta yakni di posisi 96. Hmmm, walau terkadang tinggal di Jakarta dapat menyebabkan kita stress akan keruwetannya, polusinya, dan teriknya, tetapi bagaimanapun saya dan kita semua tetap cinta Jakarta, bukan?


see you people in my next post.
I have a class to catch and it's about to begin :)

Sunday 13 September 2009

Baju Adat Sumatera Selatan

Hmm..setiap provinsi di Indonesia memiliki baju adat khas daerahnya masing-masing, termasuk Sumatera Selatan, bahkan Sumatera Selatan yang terdiri dari 11 Kabupaten dan 4 Kota memiliki baju daerah yang berbeda-beda di tiap kabupaten/kota tersebut. Hmm, kalau di satu provinsi aja keberagamannya sudah seindah itu, kebayang kan bagaimana beragamnya budaya di satu Indonesia ini?

That's why we called our nation as Unity in Diversity :) Enjoy this pictures people!

Baju adat Kabupaten Banyuasin.

Baju adat Kabupaten Empat Lawang.

Baju adat Kabupaten Lahat.

Baju adat Kota Lubuk Linggau.

Baju adat Kabupaten Musi Rawas.

Baju adat Kabupaten Muara Enim.

Baju adat Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin.

Baju adat Kabupaten Ogan Ilir.

Baju adat Kabputen Ogan Komering Ilir.

Baju adat Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu.

Baju adat Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur.

Baju adat Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan.

Baju adat Kota Pagaralam.

Baju adat Kota Palembang I.

Baju adat Kota Palemabang II.

Baju adat Kota Prabumulih.

don't you fall in love deeper with our I-N-D-O-N-E-S-I-A ?

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...