Monday 28 November 2016

Endorphinic Raindrops

Friendship is one of the most precious thing in the world. Aristotle, Confucius, or any other philosophers agree that friendship has a strong connection to human hapiness. I’ve been knowing how is it to grow as a friendless human being. It was painful. Years ago I was so afraid what if I enter the gate of adulthood without a good friend. But Thank God I guess somehow I already had them. 

Last weekend, my bros, Bagaskara dan Bumi were visiting Yogyakarta only for one day. We wanted to spend more time but hell yeah we were kinda busy. Altough it was only a short moment, but we were happy anyway.

I had to do some hospital chores so I ended up meeting them around seven in the evening. They spent the day on a hotel near Malioboro because they like to have some series of long footsteps among the streets there. I met them on a new coffee shop near Tugu Yogyakarta. We sat on the outside so we could see the rain that filled the air of the city.

We ordered coffee. I drank the black one with no sugar while Bagaskara had a hot espresso and Bumi had the cappuccino. We laughed as we finished our order. Haha how time does change ours! In our previous years, Bagas was the only person to order a coffee because I was a tea person and Bumi almost always drink a milk back then. But look at us now, adulthood serve us with the need of caffeine dose each day to make us alive.

We shared stories on that hours. About my sleepless pediatric residency (they condolence me so bad since they know I always need a proper time of sleep) and about Bagaskara’s interview on Oil company and Bumi’s plan to work on Education Minisry (they finally finished their study in UK and currently a qualified jobseeker).

As it was near midnight and coffee still could not heal our sleepy feeling, we were saying goodbye. We took a picture of our long lost reunion and headed back to our place.

I walked home under my umbrella. It was still raining in Yogyakarta. I was so happy. Feels like each of the raindrop was filled with endorphin. And I am thanking God for this particular friendship.

Have the best of luck and see you until I see you again, Bro.

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