Saturday 30 October 2010

a night out great to be there!
Hari sabtu kemarin gw pergi ke buka bareng bgss di jayakarta daira. And it was so freakin' fun!

Have a great chat with Rino about his early career now. He seems so confident and on the heat for his success. He work somehow as a marketing officer. Being taught by him a lot about insurance and prudential (oke, promotion y'all). I hope you have a great success, bro

Met rikki and shared mostly about our daily campus routine, aaaah so happy but sad also to see a new one entered university life (but sad to know that he gotta left the beautiful senior high time hehe). Yeay, welcome to the show

Also talk a bit with sella about medical things, and also chat with the others.

Aaaaaah...they called me avatar for my bald hair hahaha

Love you people.

Hasil yang Merelakan Usaha.

Jadi dokter itu berusaha. Berusaha berpikir harus melakukan apa biar pasien sembuh, harus belajar agar tidak ada hal penting yang terlupakan...